
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Top Blogs - Challies

Second Tier ....

Today I start my review of what I will call the Second Tier blogs. I think before I begin I should qualify what I mean by “second tier.” By this, I do not mean that they are not good; on the contrary, these are all top notch blogs that are very popular. But, as I have said all along, this is a subjective process and the main subjective criteria are my preferences. So, what I like and what you like may be very different—it is just one man’s opinion. And you, of course, may totally disagree with my opinions. Nonetheless, I have tried to give rationale for my evaluatons, and will continue to do so with these.

And today’s first Second Tier blog is a perfect example. Tim Challies is known as the Christian world’s most famous blogger. And that may very well be true. It seems it is a mandatory requirement for all Christian bloggers to have him on our blogroll (do a test, for any other blogs I have discussed, check their roll and see if he’s there). So to some, putting him in the “second tier” is akin to denying a cardinal doctrine of orthodoxy. Why second tier?

Well, here goes: He has created a great site and has an incredible following; however, as I follow him I rarely feel like he changes his theme. Kind-of like singing another verse of “Just as I Am,” the same song over and over again, just a new verse. Now, if I was a full blown, totally committed hardcore reform type (which is his emphasis), I guess that would appeal to me. But because I’m not, well, it gets stale to me at times. Yes, he has some very good things to say, but he does not always hold my attention for the reason just stated. I guess I would like to see him branch out the world he is a part of, and not just to be critical of those whom are not a part of it. Enough said.

That is the negative, but there is certainly a lot of positive to him as well. For one, he is a prolific reader and probably does an average of one book review a week, if not more. I always find these helpful, and have often purchased things because of his recommendations. Second, he is so prolific and respected, he has a ubiquitous internet presence; nonetheless, I have never detected a hint of arrogance or pride in his writing. For that, I have great respect for him. And a third thing, as of late he seems to have expanded the nature of his posting and is covering a wider variety of things, especially on his “A La Carte” days.

One last thing, his book called: The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment is an excellent study of the biblical theology of wisdom and discernment, I would recommend it to anyone with a desire to grow in wisdom (and shouldn’t we all).

Well, here is the review based on my totally bias preferences and criteria . . .

Content – As mentioned above, mainly theological, with a specific focus on Reform Theology and all things related. Rating: 2 Stars - Pretty Good, most of the time.

Informative – Yes, usually very strong in this realm. Although sometimes I think his posts are too long and I will find myself skimming them for the point. Rating: 3 Stars - Excellent, always good stuff.

Current – New posts every day, occasionally multiple. Rating: 3 Stars - Excellent, always good stuff.

Interesting – Most of the time, but there are days where I feel it gets redundant. He will cover all things Piper, Sproul, Mohler, etc., and always in an adoring way—I’m probably wrong, but I don’t think I’ve ever read a critical word about any of them or their perspectives (no one is always right). Rating: 2 Stars - Pretty Good, most of the time.

Creative – Fairly predictable in his opinions and perspective of things. Rating: 2 Stars - Pretty Good, most of the time.

Relevant – For the particular crowd he appeals to, but not always to those outside f that camp—in his defense, he probably is not trying to be either. Rating: 2 Stars - Pretty Good, most of the time.

Appeal – Neat and Clean, all good—but I do find that for some reason it is really tight to theleft side of my computer, not sure why, but that distracts me. Rating: 2 Stars - Pretty Good, most of the time.

I find the site well worth the time to read, my hesitations are expressed above. All that said, it is still a very good site that will provide you with a lot of helpful information.

3 John 8
Bill H

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