
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Top Blogs - Christians in Context

Top Tier . . .

I resume my Top Blogs today be reviewing a blog called: Christians in Context: From Orthodoxy to Orthopraxy. (The tile itself appeals to my educational professor side. In various courses I teach, I will often wax eloquently on our responsibility as Christian leaders to be people of orthodox, orthopathos, and orthopraxis theology—but I’ll save the lecture another time.)

As the name indicates, CIC mainly deals with theological matters. Some of it is original with the team of writers that are a part of CIC, but on many days they will either borrow from, or comment on, material from other sources. But whatever they are dealing with, I always find them interesting, fair-minded, and informative.

They cover a nice variety of topics; for example, the last few days have included a story about RA Torrey on DL Moody, someone working undercover at Walmart, a piece about the value of Twitter, and a short blurb about a new book out on church planting as a disciple-making activity. One ongoing series the theologically minded amongst us may find interesting is an ongoing discussion of spiritual gifts—go to the site and do a search, it has been an excellent discussion of the topic.

Below is my detailed evaluation (based on my “subjective criteria” and 3 Star Rating System) of Christian in Context blog . . .

Content – As mentioned above, mainly theological, but they do touch many ministry and spiritual formation related issues. Rating: 3 Stars - Excellent, always good stuff.

Informative – Yes, usually very strong in this realm. Rating: 3 Stars - Excellent, always good stuff.

Current – New posts every day, occasionally multiple. Rating: 3 Stars - Excellent, always good stuff.

Interesting – Yes, I do not read everything, but I always check it and rarely will they “lay an egg.” Rating: 2 Stars - Pretty Good, most of the time.

Creative – Not overly imaginative, but still they do have fun once in a while. Rating: 2 Stars - Pretty Good, most of the time.

Relevant – Always. Rating: 3 Stars - Excellent, always good stuff.

Appeal – At first glance the site can seem kind of busy (like this one), but once you get a feel for it, it’s not so bad. Rating: 2 Stars - Pretty Good, most of the time.

Score: 18 out of 21. To me, this is a top tier site which I recommend you put on your RSS. It will grow on you; I appreciate the contribution they make to intelligent theologically related blogging.

That ends what I call my “Top Tier” sites; tomorrow I will start to look at some other very good places that you might want to consider.

3 John 8
Bill H.

1 comment:

Andrew Faris said...


You're very gracious and I'm glad you enjoy our blog! No matter how many readers you have, sometimes you wonder if anybody is really listening. Many thanks and may our Lord bless you.
