
Monday, February 09, 2009

Top Blogs for Spiritual Formation

Today I resume my evaluation of Top Blogs, but with a different twist. The blogs I suggest to you today really don’t fit my evaluation process; however, I think they deserve your consideration. Each one is in some way designed to contribute to our spiritual formation. These are not issue oriented blogs, but rather they seek to help us grow spiritually—and that is always a worthy cause.

I’m sure there are many blogs that fit this description. You should seek to find ones that interest you. These are the ones I follow regularly (at least for now). Below I have links to each, with a brief explanation of the blog and of what the authors are covering now, and why I like it. They are in no particular order:

97secondswithgod ~ Prolific blogger and author Jonathan Acuff (Prodigal John of “Stuff Christians Like”) is doing a series through Proverbs 12. It has been brilliant. Proverbs is one of my teaching specialties, so when he started this I was curious, and he has certainly not disappointed. I suggest you get in now, he’s about 1/3 of the way through. (Timeout for a shameless plug: My online undergraduate course in Proverbs will be offered in May, and the Grad School class in Wisdom Literature will also be offered this summer—drop me a line if you would be interested in either.)

The Journey: Forty Days of Promise Celebrating the Legacy of African American Christianity ~ Professor and Counselor Dr. Bob Kellerman is presently doing a series that recognizes and celebrates the spiritual legacy of the African-American Church. And it has been a joy. I highly encourage you to follow him as he ministers to us through these special saints. Moreover, Bob has also been doing a parallel series in February about Black History Month (this one is more an editorial discussion of the idea, both the good and bad of it—and it too has been quite interesting). Both are well worth your time.

The Scriptorium Daily (Fred Sanders posts) ~ Theologian Fred Sanders has a daily entry on this blog that is sort of a “this day in the history of the church” type of thing. More specifically, he deals with people, usually not events. Each day he recognizes a saint of the church, and rather than just giving us a biographical sketch, he provides information of how that saint has contributed to the church. And I would add that there is something every day that will make you think as it contributes to our spiritual formation.

Deadly Vipers ~ This is a truly unique blog—and web site for that matter. This site uses a martial arts theme to call Christians leaders (with a focus towards men) to, in their words: “issues of radical integrity and radical grace. Our focus is to develop leaders who will have intentional, transparent, and honest conversations about key character issues.” It is based on their excellent little book called “Deadly Viper Character Assassins.” The daily blog posts are short and to the point reminders, examples, and illustrations, of the main topics of the book (or, as they call it: “A daily punch of truth”). Even if you haven’t read the book—or if you’re female—there is plenty of relevance for anyone concerned about their spiritual character.

Well, as I said, there are numerous blogs like these, but these four have my (almost) daily attention for now. I encourage you to check them out. Any others you would suggest?

Tomorrow I will resume the Top Blogs evaluation process.

3 John 8
Bill H.

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