
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Weekend Update

FYI . . .

NOTE: I have borrowed this idea from another blog, we’ll see how this goes. But for a while, long enough to see how it works, I am going to use the weekend to do a smorgasbord type of thing. Just listing, with little comment, things that have caught my attention throughout the week, and of course, things I think you also might find interesting. Enjoy!

A good discussion on Spiritual Giftedness by the Internet Monk.

I doubt they read my evaluation where I spoke to this, but the folks at Christians in Context have greatly improved the visuals of their site.

An excellent John Newton quote on Of First Importance.

RC Sproul has started a series call Pluralism and Relativism: “It’s all Relative.” So far there are three up, good stuff (this is actually a part of a longer series reprinted from his book: Lifeviews).

I recently came across it, and I really like this site: The Big Picture.

Sharper Iron is doing a series by Dr. Kevin Bauder that is well worth following: Understanding Conservative Christianity (2 parts are up with more to follow).

Contraconditional, I like that term, it puts the “conditional” vs. “unconditional” discussion (argument?) in proper theological perspective.

Redneck Seafood Dinner :-)

The latest video for the upcoming NEXT conference is up on their web site, check it out here .

Went and saw The Gran Torino last evening, I highly recommend it (but note, it is rated R for a reason).

Jonathan Acuff is ridiculously funny, if you read nothing else here, go back and read his posts for this week on Stuff Christains Like.

Finally, my dear friend and colleague, Dr. Don McCall, gave an excellent Chapel message this past Wednesday on “What do we do when the promises of God, disagree with the problems of life?” and how we respond, or should respond, to them. You can listen to it here >>

3 John 8
Bill H.


Jim Mento said...

Like the edition to the blog. Hope you keep it as a usual "end-of-the-week thing". By the way, I have been in places that serve "red-neck" seafood platters... it was delicious... they put Old-Bay on the hotdog!

Andrew Faris said...


Glad you like the change to Christians in Context. I for one am a lot happier with it.
