
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Not For Sale: SlaveTrafficking?

Over the past few weeks, I have been listening to the e-book “NOT FOR SALE.” Honestly, this is probably not a book I would have bought. But it was last month’s free audio book from Christian Audio. So, why not? Well, I’m glad I read (listened to) it.

It’s hard for most of us to even conceive that there is such a thing as slave trade going on in the world today, especially not here in North America. But indeed, there is. I guess I was vaguely aware of it, mainly through my interest in the ministry of International Justice Mission, but this book was a real eye opener for me.

In it, the author, David Batsone, with great sensitivity and tack, carefully informs his reader of this global problem. As one might suspect, much of the problem is at the expensive of young women and children, with the majority of issues revolving around the sex industry, and often intertwined with both sexual and forced labor abuses.

One cannot help but be moved by the hart wrenching true stories that Batstone tells us about. As he skillfully informs us of this global problem, Batsone also tells us of the many heroes’ around the world that are doing something about this problem. And this is one of the real strengthens of the book.

Interestingly, these modern day abolitionists have no common profile (they are: college students, professors, lawyers, peasant workers, missionaries, business men and women, house wives, government officials. etc.). The one constant, is that all are in some way moved by their faith and love for God; and as a result, are compelled to do something for the “least among us,” because they understand all people have dignity and worth as God’s image bearers.

I encourage you to download the book and give it a listen. There is also a well produced PDF study guide that goes with it; it would be an excellent Bible study for a small group.

Moreover, there are a host of organizations and ministries out there that are creatively responding to the needs of advocacy, human suffering, and injustices around the world. If you do nothing else with this information today, please take the time to familiarize yourself with these organizations. I have linked several below. Throughout the rest of this week, I will give more explanation of several of these. I hope you will think seriously about finding just one that you can in some way get involved in, or even support.

The Not For Sale Campaign
International Justice Mission
The Polaris Project
Tiny Stars
The Moju Project
The Voice of Martyrs
The 410 Bridge

And to give you a taste of what can happen, watch this video of the Daraja Children’s Choir (from The 410 Bridge) . . .

3 John 8
Bill H.

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