
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Nehemiah's Example of Leading

Pastor Mark Driscoll (Mars Hill Church, Seattle WA) recently posted this brief article on LEADERSHIP at the Resurgence blog. It caught my attention because I am presently leading my FOUNDATIONS OF MINISTRY LEADERSHIP class though a study of Nehemiah. And all of the things mentions in the article we deal with in the class. Why? Not just because they're good ideas from modern leadership study and theory; but, because in Nehemiah, we see him doing or fulfilling every one of them.

It is still remakable to me that Nehemiah is an example of just about every major useful leadership theory or practice of the modern fastination and pursuit of leadership, and the study thereof. And again, this assumption holds true in Driscoll's writing. You can read the whole article here >>

I have posted the introduction and an outline of his major points below. Moreover, to illustrate my point, I have also briefly identified the places in Nehemiah's memoirs where he fulfills these leadership principles (my words are in the blue) . . .

Change. Every leader wants it. And some are more effective at making it happen. In addition to God's grace, the following process has proven invaluable to me, as I have consciously used it for over a decade. I offer it in hopes of serving those who serve others.

Vision (formed as he prays in Neh. 1:5-11, explained in Neh. 2)
(all over Neh. 2)
Implement (Neh. 3)
Manage (Neh. 4-6)
Review (Neh. 7)

And as an added bonus, Mars Hill has made videos and MP3 downloads available of the entire preaching/teaching series on the book of Nehemiah. There are also study notes and small group discussion guides available for download that correspond with each message. If this book of the Bible is of interest to you, i suggest you gie it a serious look, it is valuble material. The messages, and notes can be accessed on the Mars Hill site I have linked here >>

To give you a taste, here is the video of the first message in the series, and below ae links to the PDF files of the notes and small group study guide.

Sermon Notes
Small Group Curriculum

3 John 8
Bill H.

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