The Promise Keeper movement is still around, but it doesn't match what it was in its heyday. I had the opportunity to attend four Promise Keepers events. I was blessed by each, and though its had its share of controversy, I do believe the entire movement has been used by God to call American men back to biblical manhood. Moreover, words cannot describe the experience of worshiping with 70,000 men. It is just something you have to experience--and I hope you do have the opportunity to have a similar type of experience in your lifetime.
In its earlier days, the late Dr. E.V. Hill (if you don't know who he is, I encourage you to learn more about him here>>) was a regular speaker at Promise Keepers. The following video is from one of his most famous moments at a 1993 Boulder, CO., Promise Keepers event. Listen and enjoy this great preacher's vivid reminder of the necessity and power of God Word:
3 John 8
Bill H.
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