
Monday, March 16, 2009

Lifepoint Church & Other Stuff

If you read my last one on Saturday, you know that we at BBC are on Spring Break. So I have decided to take the week off and just relax from my blogging for the week--I'm sure the internet will survive.

But before I do, I want to "shout out" to the good people at LIFEPOINT Church in Fredericksburg, VA. We (the BBC Softball Team) worshiped with them yesterday and we had a great time. It was neat to see how God is using this church plant in Fredericksburg; an awesome worship team, lots of people serving in many capacities, very welcoming atmosphere, etc. It is clear that God is doing something special through them. If you ever travel through that area, it is well worth the time to stop and check them out.

And, they have a great front door: their church website (which is how I found them). Take a look at their Introduction Video. For those of you doing church, your web presence is the place where first time visitor are actually going to have their first visit: What aare you saying to them? I suggest you look at LIFEPOINT and follow their lead in this.

3 John 8
Bill H

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